Book Your Hypnotic Activation Today!


as you integrate emotional & intellectual learnings in a practical way to move you towards desires.



as you integrate emotional & intellectual learnings in a practical way to move you towards desires.

"This was outstanding!

The hypnosis was customized to my needs and exactly tapped into helping me with my specific situation.

After, I was left feeling confident and calm."

doreen attard

tax accountant

how can I best support you?

How can I support you?

1:1 Sacred

Healing Day

Gift Yourself a Full Day of Self-Discovery & Realignment!


1:1 sessions

Emotional Resets, Energy Clearings & Hypnotic Activations

Mystral's mystical brews

Bespoke Tea Alchemy For

Retreats, Rituals & Mindful Moments

Download this FREE Hypnosis Audio to Deeply Relax into

Empowered Confidence!

Are you ready to discover your inner power, elevate your self-worth, and

ignite the person you're ready to step into?

If that's a YES, YES, and MORE YES... !!!

Grab your headphones and tune into Deeply Relax into Empowered Confidence via private podcast feed with two transformative trainings to help you expand your joy and step powerfully into Empowered Confidence!

I’ve worked with several coaches and Mystral has the strengths of all of them combined.

Before my Sacred Healing Day with Mystral, I felt burnt out and disconnected from work I once loved.

Mystral's nonjudgmental, empowering sessions helped me slow down, acknowledge burnout, and find renewed enthusiasm for the future.

Through her multidimensional approach, I experienced profound lightness and peace. I reconnected with my subconscious, released deep-seated exhaustion and rediscovered more excitement for my life and my work.

Mystral's nonjudgmental, empowering sessions helped me slow down, acknowledge burnout, and find renewed enthusiasm for the future."

Kiyoko Sophia

Offer Architect & Funnel Strategist for Therapists & Wellness Pros - All Rights Reserved - Terms & Conditions